A Tug of war

Life can be a rollercoaster sometimes, isn’t it? You may seem to have it all figured out one day then the next, you’re lost. It takes a great deal of courage and perseverance to make it through it all. It also takes a lot of a person to pen down his/her own thoughts and feelings: […]

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Unchartered waters

Every new day brings with it new challenges, new thoughts, new ideas and most of all, hope. We’re always starting over each day. Much of life comes as a surprise, pretty much like magic: the sudden opening of the mind to the wonder of existence. We may be ready at times but most often, we […]

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How often do we sit down and thank the Maker of the stars and planets for everything that exists as a miracle?

Do you believe in miracles? A famous theoretical physicist once said, “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as if nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” I couldn’t agree to it more. How often do we sit down and thank the Maker of the […]

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“No matter how good you are at something, or how you rank your accomplishments, there will always be someone who’s better than you.” No matter how good you are at something, or how you rank your accomplishments, there will always be someone who’s better than you. This is the ultimate test of a quitter and […]

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To the speed of wisdom

Life is all about making the right choices, isn’t that what they say? But how can you tell if it is the right or wrong choice? A number of decisions and choices we make today are influenced by people’s opinions and ideas. If we allow all of our decisions to be affected by others, chances […]

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