Unchartered waters

Every new day brings with it new challenges, new thoughts, new ideas and most of all, hope. We’re always starting over each day. Much of life comes as a surprise, pretty much like magic: the sudden opening of the mind to the wonder of existence. We may be ready at times but most often, we aren’t.

You will agree that on a scale of one to ten, we are at most 1% ready and prepared for what lies ahead.  Is it because the mind plays tricks? Is it because that’s human nature? Is it because of fear? Is it because we doubt our abilities? Well, there are a thousand probabilities but given enough thought, it all narrows down to Uncertainty.

Nothing in life is certain. That’s one thing we know for sure. Uncertainty Principle in Science talks about it. Philosophy nurtures the idea. The Bible affirms that we do not know what tomorrow holds.

Nonetheless, we crave certainty. We crave the feeling of knowing exactly what tomorrow holds. We hate the thought of not knowing. We hate the thought of being wrong even more. Why not be simply rest assured that the future obstinately hangs somewhere in our hopes and dreams even with uncertainty!

It’s funny though that despite knowing the sense of certainty doesn’t exist, we still long for it. That’s a big waste of time, isn’t it?

I am often caught in this big waste of time. But, I’ve learnt and still learning that the only way out is to embrace it. Embracing Uncertainty involves being prepared to sit down with the situation in all its probabilities and possibilities until we see it from all angles and remind ourselves to simply take one day at a time because that’s the whole point of living and we’ll find what a difference that makes!

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