Living life while chasing dreams

At every year-end, we all look back on what the year has been for us.
For some of us, it may have been mostly a dark and grim 365 day journey around the Sun. While for some of us, it may have been a fantastic year filled with excitement and wonder. Whichever one it is, I’m sure we are thankful for painful and happy times because both show us what life is all about.

As we’re nearing a new year, here’s a penny for your thoughts: If you couldn’t say one word, what would your life say?

A pretty deep question, you must agree.

It’s easy to talk the change. It’s also easy to look like change. But the only way to leave a true legacy and impact is to be the change. Hence the saying, “Live it. Breathe it. Be it.”

When you leave a great legacy, you give others an amazing gift — you give them a huge lead when they take the baton from you. And if part of your legacy is that you had to overcome enormous troubles or maybe get beyond the negative legacy that was left for you, that’s even better, because you’re not just leaving a legacy of accomplishment but a legacy that shows it’s possible to get beyond difficult circumstances and still have a great life.

Amidst leaving a lasting legacy, it’s imperative my friends, to never forget to live Life while chasing dreams.

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