To the speed of wisdom

Let it go: Giving students choices | Creative Educator

Life is all about making the right choices, isn’t that what they say? But how can you tell if it is the right or wrong choice? A number of decisions and choices we make today are influenced by people’s opinions and ideas. If we allow all of our decisions to be affected by others, chances are, many a time, we find ourselves on the wrong page. Sometimes, we can get away from these and sometimes, we’re stuck and those choices haunt us for the rest of our lives.

We understand the importance of choices and decisions until we realize how they affect our career, relationship or life. For those of us in our last school years and prime years of college, we need to make some of the most important decisions such as deciding a career and where we’d want to see ourselves in maybe 10 years from now. This is the most crucial crossroad we will ever be at in life. The choices and decisions we make at this time will go a long way into building or breaking our dream career and ultimately, the kind of life we want.

When it comes to making decisions concerning career, it’s important that we love what we do. Sometimes, it may agree to what our parents say or think and sometimes, it may not. What is important is how you feel about it and if it is what you really want because The One who holds the future wouldn’t put a dream in your heart if He hasn’t given you everything you need to fulfil it. I believe there are no tricks to knowing what it is we’re meant to be doing in life but this is something I know for sure: We must keep looking up because that’s the secret of life.

Just as career is significant, relationship is also one aspect that is equally important. Sometimes we fear of never meeting someone while sometimes we fear of losing someone. We overlook the fact that what’s meant for us will not pass us by. A small reminder to whoever is reading this: Whether it is right now or a few years from now, life will lead you to finding the person that’s meant for you.

I’m sure you would agree that it can be pretty mind-boggling to just even think about the choices we have to make especially those that concern our career and relationships. It is difficult and there isn’t anything that isn’t. Keeping in step with the spirit is what will lead us in the right direction. While we may be treading along the very path God has laid out for us, it is prudent to keep pace with his guidance and not get ahead because of our ambition nor lag behind because of distractions along the way. Ambition is a good thing, it’s like wind on the sail, but too much of it can sink the boat. And of course, humility, patience and timing are keys to helping us make the right choices and building ourselves and others.

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